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Day To Day Happenings Continued....
Wed. June 5th, Doctors are still leaning towards the fact that Jim's condition is from the chemotherapy effects. Up to this point, the test results have come back negative for lymphoma. We are still awaiting word on two more test results, one of which is a bone marrow biopsy, which we should get back tomorrow. Don and Kevin flew back today, and hopefully Jim and Jim will be back on Fri. June 7th.
Jim wanted us to pass along these thoughts to all of you. He greatly appreciates all your love and support and can never Thank You enough for it. Although these continue to be difficult days, Jim knows you are all behind him with your thoughts and prayers and that's what is getting him through these hard times.
For anyone who has sent Jim and Debbie an email, before June 5th, they haven't received it due to problems. Please make a note of their new email address. tylerL2@yahoo.com

Thursday, June 6th...Today was a blessed day indeed! Jim got the results back from his bone marrow biopsy done yesterday, and the results were negative. Needless to say, we were all thrilled!
Jim continues to work on regaining his physical strength, and he is slowly progressing. He and his dad went for a long walk today. After an hour, Jim was pretty whipped, but he keeps forging on!
We are still awaiting the final word on one more test. Once again, we hope to have that result tomorrow. After that, Jim's team of doctors can give their final recommendation. Jim and his dad are now planning to return home on Saturday morning.
We want to thank you all again for the tons of prayers being offered up for Jim. We are certain they are being heard. Please keep it up. Thank you all so very much!!

Friday, June, 7th...Jim had his final meeting today with his doctor at MD Anderson. Basically, they feel Jim's problems ARE most likely a result of chemo toxicity. Although they cannot be 100% certain that this is the case, they feel confident enough about it for Jim to discontinue the radiation to his brain and spine. They recommend that Jim be watched VERY closely at home, with spinal taps and MRIs done often. In the meantime, Jim will need physical therapy at R.O. Beaumont to regain his upper body strength. He will most likely be admitted this Monday for a couple of weeks of rehabilitation. If Jim's symptoms are indeed the result of the chemo, time and the rehab should reverse all of his problems.
Jim and his dad will be coming home tomorrow at around 1:00, hooray!!!! We hope and pray that Jim will have a comfortable weekend at home before returning to the hospital.
Once again, thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your love, support, and prayers! Thanks, too, for the e-mails, we really enjoy hearing from you.

Saturday, June 8th...Jim and his dad arrived home, safe and sound this afternoon from Houston. Although it was a very long day for Jim, he made it! He has been home resting all day, and that will most likely be the case tomorrow. He isn't feeling the greatest, but we'll keep praying for better days.
Jim's MD Anderson doctors will contact his RO Beaumont doctors on Monday. They will discuss Jim's case, as well as the definite plan of action. Beaumont will continue to consult with MD Anderson about Jim as we progress towards his recovery. Dr. Thomas from MD Anderson has put Jim's diagnosis at "wait and watch" to see if any new symptoms appear in the next few weeks. She is also quite certain that Jim's current symptoms are a result of the chemo toxicity. Therefore, we need your continued prayers for Jim's complete return to health.

Sunday, June 9th...Jim was not feeling too well today. He was having some pain in his head, neck, and back. He had an overall feeling of "yuck"! He thought it be best to go to RO Beaumont and receive his pain medicine through the IV. He went in this afternoon and by this evening he was doing much better. We have also noticed some marked improvement in his right eye, which was greatly effected by the chemo toxicity. We are quite encouraged by this latest development. Tomorrow we should find out Jim's schedule for physical therapy. Hopefully, once that begins, we will continue to see marked improvement in all of Jim's symptoms!

Monday, June 10th...Not a whole lot new today. Jim is still at Beaumont, and he is feeling decent. The doctors from rehab evaluated Jim, and they are going to recommend a plan. At this point, we do not know if it will be in-patient rehab, or out-patient. Jim will begin the rehab process tomorrow.
As far as the cancer vs. not-cancer issue stands, nothing is really new. Jim's main doctor at Beaumont spoke to his doctor in Texas. So now everyone should be on the same page. When the rehab doctors were in to see Jim, their conclusion was that Jim's problems are a result of the chemo toxicity. We were obviously happy to hear that!

Wed., June 12th...Jim has been evaluated for occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Both of those programs began today. Jim will continue to be in-patient for the time being, but we are pursuing other options for Jim to proceed with out-patient therapy.
Jim's opthalmologist, and neurologist have been in to evaluate him over the past 2 days. They were both very encouraged about the progress Jim's right eye has made. If he continues progressing like this, there will be no doubt that this is NOT the lymphoma. Until then, Jim will have his spinal fluid checked often. His doctor will take a sample over the next couple days. Please pray that all of these samples will be negative for cancer, and pray for Jim's complete recovery so that he can go back to being the WONDERFUL physician that he is!!!

Friday, June 14...Jim is still at RO Beaumont receiving rehab therapy. We hope to get his pain under control in the VERY near future so that he can come home and continue his therapy on an out-patient basis.
We had some very good news today...Jim had his spinal fluid drawn today and it is being tested for the cancer cells. The preliminary report shows everything is in normal range, therefore negative for lymphoma! We need to wait until the final report is complete next week to say it is definitely negative, but for now, it looks real good! Thanks again to all of you for your prayers, support, and e-mails!!

Sunday, June 16...Happy Father's Day to all you dads! A very special Happy Father's Day to Jim's two dads, Jim and Don. You two men have shown what true fatherhood and unconditional love are all about. Your sacrifices for Jim, and the entire family, over the past 7 months are appreciated more than words can express. You guys are the best and we love you. Thanks for everything!!
Jim was able to enjoy his day because we actually got him out of the hospital for a few hours! He got a pass out of there so he could go out to dinner with the Langevelds and the Nawrockis. He enjoyed the freedom, time with Tyler, and the ribs and steak dinner! He is continuing with therapy, and pain control, so hopefully he'll soon be out for good!!

Wednesday, June 19...Great news...the final pathology report from Jim's spinal fluid tap last Friday came back negative!!! The doctors have to continue checking his fluid due to the circumstances, so he'll get tested again in the next week or so.
Jim's strength in his arms and hands is not progressing as we had hoped. As a matter of fact, he actually feels weaker today than a week ago. He is going to have an MRI done tomorrow of his head and neck to see if that shows anything. He is continuing with the rehab in the hospital, hopefully to be out soon and continue rehab as out-patient.
We'll close on a good note...two of Jim's opthalmologists were in this week and they are both very pleased with the progress of Jim's right eye!
Thanks so much to all of you for your interest, support, and prayers.

Sunday, June 23...Jim is still in the hospital. His MRI from Wednesday came back negative, which is good news. The not so good news is that Jim's pain and weakness are not yet improving. That may be due to the chemo toxicity still effecting Jim's system. Another theory, which came from Jim's MD Anderson doctor, is that Jim is experiencing some sort of autoimmune process. He is currently being treated for this, which involves a very low risk plasma exchange to get rid of any bad antibodies in his blood. His first treatment, which is performed in his room, was yesterday. He will need a total of five treatments, receiving one treatment every other day for the next several days. If this treatment is successful, Jim may see some relief in the next couple days. Although it is still a VERY difficult time for Jim, he is trying with all his might to remain positive. Please pray that Jim will have the strength, physically and mentally, to endure this awful battle. Thank you.

Mon. June 24...Jim received his second plasma exchange treatment this morning. He is still experiencing quite a bit of pain, and more muscle loss and nerve damage. Another neurologist evaluated Jim today and she agrees that this terrible condition is most likely due to the chemo toxocity, with the possibility of an autoimmune condition as well. Unfortunately, all the damage may not quite be done yet. Jim is still receiving physical rehab therapy. He wanted to make sure that I update the web site tonight and thank all of you for the tremendous support you have given him. He is sorry that he is unable to respond to your emails, and cannot return all of your phone calls. He certainly would not have even made it this far if it wasn't for all of your love and well-wishes. He appreciates all of your support more than can ever be put into words. Also, please continue to pray for Jim's complete recovery. We never know what tomorrow will bring, and the more prayers, the better! Thank you!!

Thurs., June 27...Jim had another check of his spinal fluid this week. We got the final report back today...it is completely negative for cancer! His platelets in his blood are still running low, so he had to have a bone marrow biopsy done this morning. It is a VERY painful procedure, but he made it through. We will get those results tomorrow. He also had a CT scan of his chest, pelvis, and abdomen tonight. He will routinely need these scans as follow-up of his lymphoma. We should have those results tomorrow as well. Other than all of these tests, not much else is new. Jim is still in quite a bit of pain from time to time, and he still has tremendous weakness in his arms and hands. He will have his fourth treatment tomorrow morning for the plasma exchange. He did quite well on Wednesday morning for the third treatment. Our goal is to get him home after the fifth treatment, hopefully the beginning of next week(I know we've said that before!). So...keep praying, and thanks for your interest and support!

Friday, June 28...We experienced a major turn of events today. Jim's doctor came in at around noon and told him that his bone marrow biopsy that was taken yesterday has tested positive for cancer. Needless to say, we are all in quite a state of shock and sadness. The plan now is for Jim to begin chemotherapy tomorrow at Beaumont. Then on Monday he will be transferred to U of M to begin the process for a bone marrow transplant. At this time, we do not yet know if Jim has matched a donor, we should know shortly. I know many of you want to be tested, if it comes to that we will let you know. It will be a long road to get Jim back to health, but we know that he can do it. Our goal is to cure this cancer, as it has been since October. We are all behind Jim 100%, and then some, to do whatever it takes for him to get well. Of course, Jim is going through an extremely difficult time right now, we know you will all pray even harder for him. Thank you for your support, and we will keep you all updated.

The new website should be up and running as of June 30...click on the home page picture of Jim, Debbie, and Tyler to get to the new site.

Saturday, June 29...Things change by the hour around here. We are now heading to U of M today instead of Monday. We will get things moving up there. That is all we know at the moment...we'll be updating as events unfold. Keep praying!!!!